There is no denying that the Winter months can impact our mood with the darker evenings, the colder weather and the thought of the festive season fast approaching on the horizon! For me, Winter always brings a pressure with it to rush, to be busy, to cram everything in. All with this overwhelming weight on top that there is not enough time, in comparison to the Summer with days that feels like they last forever.
So why is it that in the Season when Nature itself retreats, winds down and let's go, do we feel the need to do more?
What if we were to take stock and embrace a more slow and G E N T L E approach to the colder, darker days? Would that in turn allow us to feel a little lighter and a little brighter?
Easier said than done right? However, I do have a little trick up my sleeve that might help!
The next time you feel this urgency and pressure to rush and react, I want you to follow these 3 steps:
Breathe - Take a minute to pause. Focusing on your breathing. Big breath in, hold for 3 seconds, big breath out. Better? Try repeating this a few times to ground yourself in the moment. Often urgency can trigger our fight or flight response so breathing can help to counteract this by allowing yourself a moment to stop, be still and pause. Remember: You are in control.
Ask yourself - Is this something I need to do? Want to do? Or feel I have to do? Sometimes looking at it in this way can help us to understand why the task at hand feels so overwhelming. Remember: You are in control.
Reassess - Is this something for today? Tomorrow? Or another time? I am the worst at saying yes to things, adding to my workload and then beating myself up when I don't manage to tick it all off! Not everything is a today task. Not everything is urgent. Not everything needs your immediate attention. Remember: You are in control.
I know it might seem simple, but it really does help. Why not try it and see for yourself?
Here is a little daily affirmation just for you: Today I will embrace a more slow and gentle approach to the colder, darker days.
For more daily affirmations come and follow me on IG HERE x Â